Wednesday, March 2, 2011

it's not easy to change, but it's possible

It's not easy to change.
from a bad person to a good person. From a street girl to a muslimah. From a trouble-maker to a kind student.
and it's not easy to leave your habit.leaving something that's in your blood and veins. bak kata Hlovate in her Versus book,
"...bukan mudah untuk berubah
    dari tanpa arah ke sejadah,
    dari tepi jalanan ke sujud menghadap tuhan..."

 Changes in life, turning point.Everyone will go through that in their life. Turning point setiap orang berbeza. And it hurts deep inside your heart, to leave the things you love, for good. To change into a new someone.
Hlovate kata, "everybody passes numerous paths along the road of life. There's always a dilemma when it comes to choosing". Benar..novel Versus ni menceritakan tentang seorang perempuan yang hidup sebagai skate girl.She love skating and and spend most of her time lepak with skating guys and wears sleeveless t, and watch skating tricks and she's really great at skating and famous of what she are..and one day she she have to leave all that because of her grandfather's wasiat before he died, that she must be a better person.She left all that well, going to college to start a new life with different mates, but she really can't help feeling hurt if she saw her old mates, she missed her old hobby, her old friends,it's still in her heart. but it's different now, because she have changed. maybe not 100%, but she have changed.

  Changes in life need strength. Changes in life need determination, and also istiqamah. Untuk istiqamah  serta kekuatan tu, sebolehnya dampingilah sahabat-sahabat yang soleh dan solehah. It'll help untuk dekatkan diri kepada Allah dan juga untuk mencari ketenangan.
 Allah  telah berfirman dalam al-Quran, "Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum itu melainkan mereka sendiri yang mengubah nasib mereka" lebih kurang macam itulah ayatnya.Fitrah manusia mahukan kebaikan. Maka, apabila manusia mahu berubah ke arah kebaikan, Allah akan membantunya serta membuka hatinya untuk menerima kebenaran.InsyaAllah..
 It's not easy to change, but it's possible.and it's not a crime to change. For Allah always love you. It's in your hand, you can change it..


Khairunnisa Azman said...

the versus story is about how hard it is for the girl to fight against something that is in her own blood, in the process of changing her life to tahap yang Allah redha, and she succeed well..

Unknown said...

I love this post!